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January 2021 Newsletter - COVID-19 Vaccine Updates

Hello from DTC Family Health:

We have all been anxiously awaiting any information about the COVID-19 vaccine, from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE), and have finally received some preliminary information about where the community can obtain the COVID-19 vaccine.

As you have probably heard on the news, Governor Polis opened up vaccinations for

patients aged 70 and older. Currently we DO NOT have the vaccine at our office. If and when we finally receive doses of the vaccine, we will notify you. Please do not call or send portal messages about the availability of the vaccine. We have been OVERWHELMED with phone calls and messages and the current situation is not in our control.

It is important to remember that as with most things COVID related, the plans for vaccination have been relatively confusing and communication from the relevant authorities has not been ideal. The state announced the additions to the Phase 1b group but many counties have not yet completed vaccination of the 1a group.

Taken from: CDPHE Vaccine for Coloradans webpage

The CDPHE expects that the initial supply of COVID-19 vaccines will be very limited for several months. This means that a vaccine will not be immediately available to everyone who wants one. To be as fair and efficient with distribution as possible, the state has developed a phased approach to vaccine distribution to save lives and end the crisis that has been brought on by the pandemic as quickly as possible.

Here is the link from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) for phase 1B - for Coloradans 70+.

We have copied and pasted the information from this link below.

Additionally, we gave been told Safeway pharmacies are also preparing - check the following links!

Evergreen [Safeway Pharmacy #10, 3851 CO-74, Evergreen, CO 80439] Scheduling link: https://mhealthsystem.­com/JeffersonCounty10

Littleton [Safeway Pharmacy #839, 8434 S Kipling Pkwy, Littleton, CO 80127] Scheduling link: https://mhealthsystem.­com/JeffersonCounty839

Wheat Ridge [Safeway Pharmacy #1479, 3900 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033] Scheduling link: https://mhealthsystem.­com/JeffersonCounty1479


COHELP 303-389-1687 or 877-462-2911 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Answers available in multiple languages.

The following information has been provided to the CDPHE by each hospital system, facility, public health agency, or provider.

Kaiser Permanente

For Kaiser Permanente members 70+ (and others in eligible 1A and 1B categories) visit Kaiser Permanente’s vaccine webpage to complete the “COVID-19 vaccine sign up.” Upon providing your information to them, you will be placed on a first-come, first-served wait list for the vaccine based on your eligibility.


UCHealth is using My Health Connection, their online patient portal, to communicate with patients. If you are a current UCHealth patient and do not have an active My Health Connection account, please sign up at UCHealth’s website.

If you are not a current UCHealth patient and would like to be placed on a list to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it is available, please visit the website by this weekend to sign up.

Denver Health

Denver Health is currently working to contact and make appointments with patients age 70 and over who currently receive care at a Denver Health facility or have received care in the past three years. Invitations are now being sent by MyChart to schedule these vaccinations. Tickets to schedule COVID-19 vaccinations for patients 70 or over are being generated in a phased fashion. For those with MyChart accounts or willing to sign-up for one, this will be a much quicker process for scheduling your vaccination. Find instructions to create a MyChart account at Denver Health’s website.

Centura Health

If you are a Centura Health patient, you will receive an invitation when it is your time to receive the vaccine through MyCenturaHealth, their patient portal. These invitations will be sent based on the state tiering system, starting with patients age 70 and over. An appointment is required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and walk-ins cannot be accommodated. They plan to make the vaccine available to all members of the community and details will be posted on the website once available. Coloradans can take action now by establishing care with a Centura Health Physician Group primary care provider in their area.

Banner Health

Please take the survey linked above to determine if you are eligible to receive the vaccine. Please schedule your appointment online as the Banner Health System is receiving a high number of requests for appointments.

Vail Health

Visit Vail Health’s website to make an appointment and see their clinic schedule.

Boulder Community Health

Boulder Community Health is contacting current patients age 70 and older on an ongoing basis to encourage them to schedule a vaccination. Next they will be opening up vaccinations to 70+ patients of affiliated and community providers. Based on current vaccine supplies, it will take several weeks to vaccinate every patient age 70 and older. They ask for their community’s patience during this extended process.

HealthONE (coming soon)

At this point, HealthONE hospitals (The Medical Center of Aurora, North Suburban Medical Center, Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center, Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children, Rose Medical Center, Sky Ridge Medical Center, Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital and Swedish Medical Center) only have enough vaccine for their colleagues, physicians and their staff members, and other providers in the community. They are currently providing first and second dose vaccinations to those groups with the limited number of resources they’ve received. Please check HealthONE’s website for updated details.

SCL Health

SCL Health is currently contacting patients age 70 and older who are currently receiving care at a SCL Health facility. Information is being emailed to these patients guiding them to use the MyChart online patient portal to make a vaccination appointment. These invitations are being sent in a phased fashion based on the state tiering system.

An appointment is REQUIRED to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a SCL Health facility -- walk-up vaccinations ARE NOT available. If you are 70 and older and would like more information about registering for COVID-19 vaccination at a SCL Health facility, log on to SCL Health’s website or call or call 303-812-2051 for details.

It may take time to vaccinate every patient age 70 and older, and SCL Health appreciates the community's patience as they evaluate the resources required to meet demand. SCL Health plans to eventually make the vaccine available to all members of the community in coordination with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. Details will be posted at once an expanded vaccine schedule is available.

As part of their mission to improve the health of the people and communities SCL Health serves, especially the poor and vulnerable, the goal is to vaccinate as many members of their communities quickly and safely, aligned with state guidelines.

Gunnison County

Gunnison County is scheduling COVID-19 vaccinations for people in phase 1A and seniors age 70 and older. Individuals in these groups can register through their COVID-19 Vaccination Interest Form. Gunnison County will notify people via email, text message, or phone call when the vaccine is available for them.

Larimer County

Larimer County has a COVID-19 Vaccine Notification Sign-Up form for county residents 70 and older to complete in order to keep a list of those who are requesting vaccination. As supplies increase, they will continue to work with all their vaccinating partners in the community to move into additional phases and meet the needs of Larimer county residents. County demographics indicate there are nearly 40,000 residents 70 and older.



The January 2021 Newsletter offers important updates on the COVID-19 vaccine, marking a significant step toward overcoming the pandemic. Staying informed about health is vital, especially when it comes to personal well-being. For those dealing with challenges like dependency, understanding available support options is crucial. You can read here to learn more about addressing alcohol dependency and finding the right resources for recovery.

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